We’ll Never Be Rested: What if Parents Rewrote the Lyrics to Lorde’s ‘Royals’?

This is just amazing. I’m a big fan of Lorde and especially of this song, but these lyrics are so funny.

Josh Stearns

Lorde’s song “Royals” was everywhere in 2013. But my wife and I wondered, what if instead of a 17 year-old superstar, it was overtired parents of young kids who had written this song. The lyrics below are the result. My friend, singer/songwriter Lisa Hillary  recorded our lyrics and it is amazing. Listen to the track and go check out Lisa’s music.

UPDATE: Thanks to fans of the song we now have a video! Check it out.

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Hello everybody,
you might be wondering why this blog is called “Nonsense blog”, well it’s’ very simple. I study at university and want to improve my way of writing. I’m not a native english speaker, so I thought I should open a blog and just start writing everything that comes into mind in the best way possible. I hope to really improve my writing skills and to write a post at least once a week. I’m really challenging myself as university doesn’t really leave me with enough time to do something like this and whenever I have some free time I, obviously, spend it with my friends. This is all I’ve got to say for now so… Cheers everyone.
Till next time!